sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010


Bem, assim como eu, no mundo inteiro existe aquela pessoa que para na frente do pc e fica se perguntando o que vai fazer. Pois bem, zapiando pela internet, resolvo entrar num site que já havia ouvido falar e por meu inglês ser muito fraco, nunca tinha entrado.

É o Omegle, que com um clique, isso mesmo, UM clique você já está falando com uma pessoa aleatória no mundo. Pensei comigo "Quer saber, vou jogar as caras no mundo (literalmente) e entrar nesse site para ver qual é. Como me saio e se me sair mal, é um estranho mesmo que está lá em outro continente."

Depois de uns dois ou três tarados pedófilos descobrirem que eu era homem e saírem da janela de conversação, começo a conversar com uma pessoa que resolve me dar trela. Segue a seguir (segue a seguir é Pleonasmo) a conversa inteira:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: I'm from Brazil and my English is very bad

Stranger: okau

Stranger: okay*

Stranger: lol

You: :P

Stranger: im from america and my english is bad

Stranger: its ok..haha

You: whare you from?

Stranger: new jersey

You: hummm

You: nice

You: male or female?

Stranger: girrrrl

Stranger: u

You: boy

You: I'm 21 years old

You: u?

Stranger: 17

Stranger: is there any part of your english i could help you with?

You: lol... no, this is my first time in this website

Stranger: okayy

Stranger: lol

You: I'm using Google

Stranger: so whats upp

You: translate

Stranger: oh so you dont speak any english at all?

You: I speak only a little

Stranger: ok

You: :S

Stranger: do you speak spanish?

You: But want to learn

You: si, hablo pero no lo escrevo

Stranger: whats escrevo

You: escribir

Stranger: ohh

Stranger: ok

You: tu hablas?

Stranger: a little

You: usted

You: solo se hablar, no escribir

Stranger: okay yeah

Stranger: writing is alot harder anyway

You: yes

You: ya hablaste español a alguien en este sitio?

Stranger: nope, never. i took it in school for a few years so i am farmiliar with it

You: understand.
if I write wrong inglish you correct me?

Stranger: if i write english incorrectly will you correct me

Stranger: but yeah.\

Stranger: lol

You: :P...

You: if you write, i understand, but when i write, i feel lost

Stranger: it's okay. you're doing just fine

Stranger: if you would rather speak spanish thats fine with me

You: no no, i give help in google translate

You: have you talked to someone from another country?

Stranger: only in english

You: only north america?

Stranger: "i have help".. not "give" :)

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: "i have help from google translator"

Stranger: or.. i am getting help

You: hummm

You: "getting" is a word i don´t use ´frequently´

You: I think you a cool girl

Stranger: lol thanks!

Stranger: what is your name

You: Árion

You: you?

Stranger: nicole

You: Nice name, i think a beautiful name

Stranger: aw, well thank you.

Stranger: what do you do for fun?

You: My job is graphic designer, for fun i "dibujo"

You: diseño

Stranger: you draw?

Stranger: that's awesome


You: i don´t remember this word

You: draw

Stranger: lol :)

Stranger: you're funny

You: tks

my "draw" in here

You: drawings

Stranger: those are really good.

Stranger: so you are an artist

You: maybe

Stranger: you are

You: I have to train more

Stranger: you are still young, you have a lifetime ahead of you

You: I´am still young.

You: these days I transforme me in "navi" of Avatar

Stranger: ohh yeah cool

Stranger: that was a good movie

You: i see in 3D, in Brazil 3D is recent

Stranger: yeah its kind of new here too

Stranger: for movie theaters it is new

You: what do you do for fun?

Stranger: im a cheerleader

You: cheerleader?

You: what is that?

Stranger: cheerleading

You: teamleader?

Stranger: not really

Stranger: i cheer for football games, basketball games, and competition

You: hummm

You: what cheer you root in basketball?

Stranger: its mainly american i think

Stranger: lol i dont know alot.

Stranger: basically im a dancer/gymnast

You: I only dance in PUMP machine

You: you meet?

Stranger: nope

You: Realy?

Stranger: i have to go now

Stranger: im sorry

Stranger: it was nice talking to you!

Stranger: your english is good

You: thanks

Stranger: bye!

You: bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

2 comentários:

Giuliano Di Sevo disse...

ATC até pelo chat! uahuahuah

Gutt e Ariane disse...

Rapaaaiz, muito interessante viu!! Tive a curiosidade de tc por lá... troquei idéia com gente da Noruega, Espanha e da índia!! HahAHAHa!! E o legal é o fator surpresa da coisa... pode pintar gente de todo canto do mundo!
Um achado esse site! : D